CANA/Convergence Initiators
Highlighted here is a sampling of those engaged in the CANA Initiative. Due to the ever expanding inclusion of new people this list is never fully up to date. If you are eager to Initiate with us, click here for more information. If you have already decided to apply for membership in our association, note that we conduct a careful selection once a year. You need to prepare documents that confirm your identity, higher education, work experience and, if possible, present a letter of recommendation. You can start preparing these documents only after you finish writing an interview paper.
Gene Anderson
Jim Antal
Deborah Arca
Debra Avery
Brian Ballard
Rick Barr
Susan Barton
Rob Bell
Ryan Bell
Bryan Berghoef
Ken Bussell
Amy Butler
Jennifer Butler
Diana Butler Bass
Jimmy Calhoun
Joseph Carson
Shawn Casselberry
Jaime Clark-Soles
Pamela Chaddock
Shane Claiborne
Mike Clawson
Philip Clayton
Ben Corey
Courtney Cowart
Ian Cron
Scott Elliott
Eric Elnes
Jason Evans
Judith Fayter
Cris Fellows
Teer Hardy
Amanda Henderson
Christopher Heuertz
Phileena Heuertz
Gareth Higgins
Lisa Ho
Anne Howard
Kristen Howerton
Jon Huckins
Tripp Hudgins
Ed Katzenberger
Callid Keefe-Perry
Bill Kenney
Michael Kimpan
Adam Klein
Linda Kay Klein
Aaron Klinefelter
Steve Knight
Jennifer Kottler
Erin Lane
Duane Larson
Greg Leffel
Nathan Loewen
Robert Lofgren
Sarah Lund
Rich McCullen
Jay McDaniel
Sam McGregor Jr.
Steve McIntosh
Morgan McKenna
Brian McLaren
Kathleen McShane
Troy Medlin
Glennon Doyle-Melton
Carol Howard Merritt
Yemi Mobolade
Melanie Mullen
John O'Keefe
Liam Murphy
Mark & Shanon Nebo
Bruce Reyes-Chow
Brandan Robertson
Alexia Salvatierra
Bill Samuel
Mark Sandlin
Mark Scandrette
Dani Scoville
Samir Selmanović
Joseph Shore-Goss
Danielle Shroyer
Rev. Stephanie Spellers
Jimmy Spencer Jr
Jenny Staldemann
Mike Stavlund
John Stonecypher
Charles Toy
Michael Toy
Oreon Trickey
Jesse Turri
Rev. Cameron Trimble
Pamela Wilhelms
Edith & Randy Woodley
Anna Woofenden
Chris Yaw
Eric Cooter